
Skittles description image
Skittles is a chewy candy that comes in many fruit flavors. It has hard outside. Their is a letter  “s” on one side to represent skittlesand the original are flavors are lemon, orange, lime, grape, cherry.

Skittles also have different versions of the candy such as wild berry skittles, sour skittles, darkside skittles, orchard skittles, tropical rainforest skittles, mash-ups skittles, and sweet and sour skittles.

Who owns skittles image
Skittles is owned by a company named “Wrigley Company” and a  division of Mars Inc. The average annual sale is 150.2 million dollars. Philip K. Wrigley owns Wrigley company Jacqueline and John Mars own and are the founders of the Mars Incorporated

Production of skittles image
The production of Skittles is all of the Skittles flavors and their ingredients are mixed. Then, they are melted by means of heat. The melted flavors are poured into molds, and afterwards, they are cooled.  Skittles then head to the packing station, where they are pushed through tubes in the ceiling and put into the packing machine. Every piece of candy goes through a four to six-hour process to add its color. 200 million skittles are produced each day
Skittles distribution image
The way that skittles get distributed is a store buys them and a food truck takes the finished product from the factory that the candy is made and then the truck brings it to the store

Future skittles image
I think in the future skittles won't change to much as far as taste and shape goes.What I do think would change Is the packaging and the size. Another thing I think would change in the future is how they are bought, they could be bought from a vending machine and you could chose the colors you want and the quantity you want.
skittles Consumption image
People who are 45-54 consume the most skittles for age. For ethnicity African Americans consume the most. And for how much money people make, people who make 80k-100k.people who have Adv. degree consume more skittles. And lastly people who have kids consume more skittles. The time when people purchase more skittles is the afternoon
Skittles Tagline image
The tagline for the candy called skittles is "taste the rainbow" the first time the tagline was introduced to America was to in 1979. They were originally from Britain, who first made skittles in 1974. The skittle's slogan "taste the rainbow" came from New York by a company called D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles on around 1994.
Skittles capital image
the annual sales for Skittles is around $150.2 million. The original skittles are 2$. The people who get the most money from skittles is Philip K. wrigley and Jacqueline and John Mars.